Huang Meng-Chin (黃盟欽)

Meng-Chin HUANG (黃盟欽)

( Currently lives and works in Taipei, TAIWAN.)

Solo exhibitions

2017 Body in Ambiguity, apartment der Kunst, Munich, Germany

2016 The Landscape of Anamorphic Body_ inter-faces, Multiple Screen, NTMoFA, Taichung, Taiwan

2015 Knitting a Paratextual Bodyaipei Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

2014 Lost in Deviation, FZ15 Gallery, Taipei

2013 Rougir, Nanhi Gallery, Taipei

The Seventh Tree, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taipei

Caught blue in the Moment, Center for Art & Humanities, NYMU, Taipei

Blue in your eye, Halka art Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2010 Flowers Blossom, Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA

Between the Calmness and Turbulence, Kwan-Du Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei

2008 ILLUSIONAL FRONTIER, Banciao 435 international artist village, New Taipei City

Hide.Lost.Seek, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taipei

2007 LOVE - the approach of desire, Nan-Pei Art Space, TNUA, Taipei

2006 Another kind of aroma, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taipei

2005 to be… HUANG MENG-CHIN Solo Exhibition, Stock 20, Taichung

Group exhibitions (selected)

2016 into the body field-the connection of Asian and European contemporary arts, Haohaus gallery, Taipei

2015 RITUELS DE LUMIERE, Galerie Joseph Antonin, Arles, France

2014 Mobil time/ Body Imaging, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taipei

huang huang -that daily mirage, Wingrow Art Gallery, Taipei

Disturbance-New Media Art Exhibition,Teh-Chung Gallery, Taipei
2013 with my<>,trade your<>, Taipei artist Village, Taipei

2012 Utopia, Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei

Artist Fair, Culture & Creative Industries Park, Taichung, Taipei

present or absence, Chaiyi Village of Railway Art, Chaiyi

ActionⅡ, Art Door Gallery, Taipei

2011 100 Gender Photographs, Danshui Art Center, Taipei

2010 Pervaded Paradise-DIY Art Festival by Hua Shan Fon, Huashan Art District, Taipei

Who is Huang chung-sung?!, SinPink Pier, VT Artsalon, Kaohsiung, Taipei


2017 Taipei/ Munich exchange artist residency program, Munich, Germany

2015 international Curation program, Halka Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2014 Artist residence, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, Poland

2013 Artist- in- residence Program, Halka Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey

2011 Artist- in- residence Program, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, USA

2010 Artist- in- residence Program, Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA

Research residency program, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia

2007 Artist-in-Residence Program, Global Art Village, New Delhi, India

Awards & Grants

2016 New Taipei city art price, new media arts, best-selected

Hung-Chi art price, new media arts, best-selected

2015 Digital art proposal competition, National Taiwan Art Museum

2014 Da-Dun art price, sculpture, the third place winner

2012 Project Grant in Fine Arts: Annual 2013 Section 2, National Culture and Arts Foundation

Project Grant for international exhibition, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan Government

International exchange Fellowship, Culture Affairs Department, New Taipei City government

2010 Taiwan Fellowship in Headlands Center for the Arts, Asian Cultural Council(ACC)

The 9th seasonal nomination for Taishin Art Price, Taishin Bank Foundation for Art and Cultures

Project Grant in Fine Arts: Annual 2010 Section 1, National Culture and Arts Foundation

2009 Fulbright Artist Exchange Fellowship, Foundation of Scholarly Exchange

2008 Best- selected in the New Emerging Artists in Taiwan 3D Creation Series, TCS Art Center

2007 The study Abroad Fellowship, Taipei National University of the Arts

M.F.A Scholarship, Taipei National University of the Arts

2005 Outstanding Art Work Prize in Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts

2001 Second-best for Art Festival, National Taiwan University of the Arts.


2017 「身體的不明確」 慕尼黑藝術公寓 德國

2016 「織造身體_ 介-面」 國立台灣美術館時光天井 台中

2015 「身體造景」 台北數位藝術中心 台北

2014 「失溫寓境-消散的溫度」 府中15 板橋

2013 「紅-空間裝置計畫」 國立台北教育大學南海藝廊 台北

「第七棵樹」黃盟欽作品展 新樂園藝術空間 台北

「此刻 你看到的我是藍色的」 國立陽明大學藝文中心 台北

「在你眼中的 藍」 halka art project藝術中心 伊斯坦堡,土耳其

2010 「花.漾」 賀德蘭藝術村 舊金山,美國

「曖曖內含光」關渡美術館 台北

2008 「幻域—以雪景為靈感的裝置」 板橋435國際藝術村 新北市

「躲 迷 藏」黃盟欽2008作品展 新樂園藝術空間 台北

2007 「愛.慾望轉近」 國立台北藝術大學南北藝廊 台北

2006 「另一種氣味」 新樂園藝術空間 台北

2005 「to be…— 黃盟欽個展」 20號倉庫 台中


2017 「幻視.身體場」國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟 台中,台北

2016 「身體圖景_歐亞當代藝術連結串列」當代好思,台北

2015 「RITUELS DE LUMIERE」Galerie Joseph Antonin法國阿爾勒當代藝術中心

「學院時代」國立台灣藝術學院 九單藝術實踐空間,台北

「移動之身_台灣X土耳其當代藝術交流展」halka art project藝術中心

2014「晃晃—關於日常的恍惚」萬菓藝廊 台北

「騷動」 國立台灣師範大學德群藝廊 台北

2013 「用我的<>交換你的<>」 台北國際藝術村 台北

「烏托邦」 竹圍工作室土基舍 台北

「第十一屆藝術家博覽會」 台中文化創意產業園區,松山文創園區

2011 「百家照性別」 淡水漁人碼頭藝文空間 台北

2010 「《瀰宮》台北華山風自助藝術節」 華山藝文中心 台北

「誰是黃長壽 ?!」 新浜碼頭藝術空間,非常廟藝文空間 高雄,台北


2017 臺北慕尼黑駐村交流計劃(慕尼黑/德國)

2015 土耳其伊斯坦堡當代藝術交流策展計畫(伊斯坦堡/土耳其)

2014 波蘭The Eugeniusz Gepper藝術與設計大學駐校展覽計畫 (波蘭/弗羅茨瓦夫)

2013 伊斯坦堡Halka Art Project駐地創作與展覽計畫 (伊斯坦堡/土耳其)

2011 柏克萊卡拉藝術學院(Kala Art Institute)駐校藝術家 (加州柏克萊/美國)

2010 賀德蘭藝術村(Headlands Center for the Arts) 駐村藝術家 (舊金山/美國)

雪梨藝術大學(Sydney College of the Arts) 藝術家研習駐校計劃 (雪梨/澳洲)

2009 國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館駐校藝術家 (台北/台灣)

2008 新北市板橋435國際藝術村 (新北市/台灣)

2006 印度新德里Global Arts village駐村藝術家 (新德里/印度)


2016 105年度藝術銀行典藏計畫

新北市美展複合媒材類 優選

磺溪美展數位藝術類 優選

2015 獲選國立台灣美術館數位藝術創作案

2014 台中市政府文化局大墩美展雕塑類 第三名


2013 財團法人國家文化藝術基金會2013-2期美術展覽補助


2012 新北市文化局視覺藝術創作國際交流補助計畫

2010 亞洲文化協會(ACC)台灣獎助計畫

第九屆台新藝術年度視覺藝術獎 提名


2009 傅爾布萊特(Fulbright )學術交流基金會創作藝術家赴美研習獎學金

2008 台灣美術新貌展-立體創作系列入選

2007 國立臺北北藝術大學流浪者計劃獎助學生出國計劃


2006 第三屆新樂園Emerge藝術新秀

2005 國立臺北藝術大學美術創作卓越獎

2001 國立台藝藝術學院師生美展複合媒材組第二名

Huang Meng-Chin is currently working on his PhD in new media and technological arts, in the Department of Arts at the National Taiwan Normal University. Recent awards include participation in the 2007 India Global Artists in Residence program, Artists Workshop residency at SCA (Sydney College of the Arts) in 2010. In the same year he also won the 2010 ACC (Asian Cultural Council) Taiwan Fellowship, Headlands, and the 2011 Fulbright Artist Scholarship. In 2012, he won the international exhibition scholarship from the Ministry of Culture to hold a personal exhibition is Istanbul, Turkey. In 2014, he won a scholarship from the National Culture and Arts Foundation to study at The Eugeniusz Gepper Art Institute. Recent exhibitions including ”into the body field_the connection of Asian and European contemporary arts” (2016, Haohaus Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan), ”The landscape of Anamorphic Body_” inter-faces” (2016, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan), ”Knitting a paratextual Body” (2015, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan), ”Rituels de Lumiere” (2015, Galerie Joseph Antonin, Arles, France), "A Body of Mobile Machine” (2015, Halka Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey).

Huang’s work focuses on the perception of the form of the body, often integrating mixed media, installation, and figurative works. By exploring the core concept of body images, develops avenues of awareness from the concept of body, and considers the visual framework of bodily reconstruction using technological media. This means changing the appearance of objects, images, sounds, waves, or other forms provoking an attraction that defies traditional definition. This construction uses the topic of the body to re-create human senses through the arrangement of spaces, and by means of a dialogue of flowing images; the perceptual narratives of bodies in time, and space are joined. This includes imaginary human temperature situation, drawing reactions and emotional responses from viewers. The work is filled with a unique visual vocabulary and emotional tension, creating an encounter with emotional energy being released, and a multiplicity of body images from the relationship between form and displacement.

目前就讀於國立台灣師範大學美術系博士班新媒體科技藝術組。近期活動包括印度藝術駐村創作交流(2007/ India Global Artists in Residence)、澳州雪梨藝術大學駐校藝術家創作營(2010/ Artists Workshop in SCA),同年並榮獲亞洲文化協會台灣獎助於美國舊金山賀德蘭藝術村駐地創作(2010/ ACC Taiwan Fellowship, Headlands)、美國傅爾布萊特基金會藝術家獎助( 2011/ Fulbright Artist Scholarship)、2012年獲文化部國際性展賽獎助於土耳其伊斯坦堡舉辦個展、 2014年獲國家文化基金會出國進修獎助於波蘭The Eugeniusz Gepper藝術學院。

近期展覽活動:「身體圖景_歐亞當代藝術鍊節串列」_好思當代(2016),「織造身體_介-面」_國立台灣美術館時光天井(2016),「身體造景_黃盟欽個展」_台北數位藝術中心(2015),「RITUELS DE LUMIERE」法國阿爾勒Galerie Joseph Antonin當代藝術空間(2015) ,「移動之身_台灣X土耳其伊斯坦堡當代藝術交流展」_halka art project藝術中心(2015) 。
